Frequently Asked Questions

You've got questions, we've got answers. Get in touch with our team if you need more help

How does VenueLoop work?
Our team has access to a range of venues across the country and beyond. We’ve worked hard to foster great relationships, which means we can offer great deals and package rates. Using these connections, we put together a short list of appropriate venues for whatever event you can imagine.
It’s a simple process really – simply fill in our brief sheet and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours with a detailed breakdown of venues and packages. Once you’ve selected your venues, we can negotiate the exact details of your event for you.
What venues do you use?
We are not partnered with any specific chain or establishment, or remunerated to offer one venue over another. The venues we suggest to you are tailored only to your needs and budgets.
We welcome any venue to get in touch with us and we will assess whether we can collaborate and list them within our network
How do you select venues?
We have a very stringent vetting process which involves an audit of the venue’s services and offerings and a canvassing of the venue’s reviews and profile. Not every venue has the ability to list with us. We’re pretty fussy that way!
Who do I pay for my booking?
You will always pay the venue directly.
Do I pay VenueLoop a commission?
Our service to businesses and individuals is completely free of charge. We have a subscription service with venues or a placement fee is charged when we confirm on your behalf, just like a travel agency. Leave it to us to negotiate the lowest possible price and connect you with industry rates that aren’t available for one-off bookings.
What is the time frame for bookings?
We work with all time frames. From “emergency” bookings through to future events – we cater for all requirements here. Of course, it’s important to understand that the closer to the event – the more limited your options may be.
Who do you have on your team?
When you choose to let VenueLoop assist you with your event planning and management, you’ll have access to a team of industry professionals who have worked both within venues and as event planners for private companies.
Important to note too, when you commission us to look for venues, you will always deal with the one account manager.